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Theodore Kassopulos

COXSWAIN PILOTS GREEK VESSEL Hartlepool, Co. Durham. At 9.25 on the evening of the 6th October, 1962, the police informed the honorary secretary that a light had been reported flashing a mile eastward of Hartlepool.

There was a light north-west breeze with a smooth sea. At 9.45 the life-boat The Princess Royal (Civil Service No. 7) was launched at high water and made for the position given. A light was then seen flashing two miles north-east of Heugh, and on approaching it the life-boat found the Greek vessel Theodore Kassopulos, which was bound for West Hartlepool. The Theodore Kassopulos had been flashing for a considerable time trying to contact a shore signal station, as she needed a pilot. The captain, on finding that the coxswain of the life-boat was a pilot, asked him to pilot his vessel to an anchorage. This was done. While the coxswain was on board the Theodore Kassopulos the life-boat in charge of the second coxswain searched the area, but nothing further was seen.

A regular pilot eventually went on board the Theodore Kassopulos, and the life-boat returned to her station at 11.40..