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Services of the Life-Boats In 1962

Services of the Life-boats in 1962 Date Station 1962 Jan. 1 Broughty Ferry „ 3 Southend-on-Sea „ 4 St. Ives „ 5 Howth..

„ 6 Galway Bay ..

„ 6 St. Mary's 8 Barry Dock ..

8 Walmer 8 Dover ..

9 Wick ..

„ 11 Margate „ 11 Scarborough ..

„ 11 Ramsgate „ 13 Southend-on-Sea „ 14 Stornoway „ 15 Moelfre 15 Plymouth „ 15 Arbroath „ 16 Galway Bay ..

,, 17 Anstruther 17 Filey ..

18 Arklow 18 Humber 22 Lowestoft 22 Filey ..

„ 23 Newhaven 24 St. Helier 26 Barry Dock ..

„ 27 Barrow 27 Walton & Frinton „ 29 Cloughey „ 30 Stornoway „ 30 Stornoway Feb. 6 Lowestoft „ 7 Thurso 7 Rhyl ..

8 Aith ..

„ 13 Scarborough ..

.. 13 Lowestoft „ 16 Humber 18 St. Ives „ 20 Galway Bay ..

„ 23 Humber „ 26 Galway Bay ..

27 Galway Bay ..

Mar. 1 Barrow „ 1 Eastbourne 2 Whitby „ 3 Workington ..

5 Penlee ..

„ 7 Clacton-on-Sea „ 7 Cloughey 7 Filey ..

„ 10 Swanage Casualty Abertay lightvessel M.V. Devonbrook Trawler Gai Florial Rockabill lighthouse Doctor required on Inishere Island Sick man M.V. Candourity S.S. Sabac and M.V. Dorrington Court S.S. Sabac and M.V. Dorrington Court M.V. Jens Emil Trawler Vert-Rouwen Fishing cobles Kingfisher and Premier Trawler Vert-Rouwen M.V. Tjoba Trawler Massabielle M.V. Frida Blokzijl Fishing vessel June Lippit Fishing vessels Bairns Pride and White Rose M.V. June Fishing vessel Ocean Herald and M.V. Harvest Reaper Fishing coble Enterprise M.V. Antilla S.S. Ben Cruachan Longshore boat Dulcie Doris ..

Twelve fishing cobles Fishing vessel Dorothy Margaret M.V. A/me M.V. Carmen S.S. Baron Inverclyde S.S. Entopan Fishing vessel Marie McClemems M.F.V. Maime M.V. Ofelia M.V. Sommen Local fishing fleet Fishing vessel CH.56 Sick woman on Foula F.V. Margaret Jane Trawler John O'Heugh with sur- vivors from M.V. Fountains Abbey Yacht Star Song Youths trapped by tide Trawler Men-Hir Bull lightvessel Sick persons on Inishmaan Island Sick woman on Inishmaan Island Fishing boat Briar Royal Sovereign lightvessel M.F.V.sL«K/ Us and Success..

F.V. Two Sisters M.V. River A/ton Barge Resourceful M.V. Frida Blokzijl ..

Fishing coble Joan and Barbara M.V. Sand Dart Service Landed an injured man.

Landed a sick man.

Saved boat and rescued 9.

Landed a sick man.

Took a doctor to Inishere Island.

Conveyed sick man to the mainland.

Stood by vessel.

Landed 7 bodies.

Landed 5 bodies.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted boats.

Stood by vessel.

Escorted vessel.

Saved boat and rescued 15.

Escorted vessel.

Escorted vessel.

Stood by vessels.

Rescued 8 and a dog.

Stood by vessels.

Escorted boat.

Landed 20.

Took out a doctor.

Landed 2.

Escorted 12 cobles.

Escorted vessel.

Stood by vessel.

Gave help.

Took out a doctor.

Landed a sick man.

Gave help.

Rescued 2.

Landed 11.

Landed an injured man.

Escorted fishing fleet.

Escorted vessel.

Landed sick woman on mainland.

Escorted boat.

Put doctor on board.

Rescued 2.

Stood by.

Gave help.

Landed a sick man.

Brought two sick persons to the mainland.

Brought sick woman to the mainland.

Gave help.

Landed a sick man.

Escorted two vessels Gave help.

Landed a sick man.

Rescued 2.

Rescued 5.

Escorted boat.

Rescued 5. - 1962 Mar. 10 Swanage 10 Walmer 11 Pwllheli „ 11 Newhaven „ 15 Workington „ 17 Anstruther 18 Margate 18 Workington 18 St. David's 19 Llandudno 24 Barry Dock 29 Dover ..

30 Faimouth „ 31 Mumbles April 1 Aith „ 1 Great Yarmouth and Gorleston ..

„ 1 Troon 1 Ramsgate 2 Rossi are Harbour 2 Appledore 6 Southend-on-Sca 1 Seaham 9 Weston-super-Mare 10 Newbiggin 12 Eastbourne 13 Filey ..

13 Whitby 16 Margate 17 Clacton-on-Sea 20 Yarmouth (I.O.W.) 20 Margate 20 Seaham 21 Caister-on-Sea 22 Dungeness 22 Swanage 22 St. Abbs 22 Skegness 23 Weymouth 24 Thurso 28 Girvan 28 Arbroath „ 29 Runswick May 3 Padstow „ 4 Aberdeen „ 4 Stornoway „ 5 Penlee ..

„ 6 Dungeness „ 9 Sennen Cove ..

11 Holyhead 12 Isiay ..

„ 12 Clacton-on-Sea 12 Rhyl ..

12 St. David's ..

„ 12 Humber „ 13 Troon ..

„ 14 Lerwick 16 Tenby ..

„ 16 Newhaven „ 17 Stronsay „ 18 Tynemouth ..

„ 19 Dover THE LIFE-BOAT Casualty M.V. Sand Dart Motor boat Helena Boy fallen over cliff Motor boat Pedro II ..

F.V.Ada M.V. Frederick T. Everard Motor barge Nicola Dawn F.V. Grace Cory Three boys cut off by the tide..

Dinghy Yacht Highlander S.S. Kirsten Skou and M.V.

Karpfanger Dinghy Barge Tony M.F.V. The Willing Boys F.V. Aga Sacke Young boy requiring an oper- ation Yacht Ann Young Blackwater lightvessel Fishing boat Reported cries for help F.V. Trip R.M.S. Pilcomayo Fishing coble Mother's Joy S.S. Arenella and M.V. Stanchiid Nine local fishing boats Fishing cobles Little Lady and Guide Me M.V. Viscount Ex-police launch Marina Yacht Shenkin Dinghy Fishing coble S.D.18 ..

Tug Danny M.V. Dragor Maersk ..

2 dinghies and 3 canoes Motor Yacht Rosehearty Dinghy Rowing boats Mercury and Blue Peter M.F.V. Elsie Sailing dinghy M.F.V.s Earn and Margaret Cargill Yacht Renetti Dinghy Man fallen from cliff.

M.F.V. Enterprise Tanker Haminella Fishing vessel Sea Venture Man trapped on cliff Boy fallen over cliff and 6 men marooned at foot of cliff Motor fishing vessel May Cabin crusier Fluminense Yacht 2 sailing dinghies M.F.V. Monbretia Motor cruiser Linnet M.F.V. Vesper ..

6 canoes Tanker Ben Hebden Fishing vessel Maureen Aircraft Yacht Marie Hendrika 443 Service Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Rescued 1.

Gave hefp.

Gave help.

Landed two injured men thereby saving their lives.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Stood by.

Saved boat.

Escorted boat.

Landed 34.

Gave heip.

Escorted barge.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Took 2 doctors to Lamlash.

Escorted boat.

Landed 1.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Landed 1.

Gave help.

Put a doctor on board.

Gave help.

Stood by vessels.

Escorted 9 fishing boats.

Stood by cobles.

Stood by vessel.

Gave help.

Stood by yacht.

Saved dinghy.

Gave help.

Saved vessel and rescued 7.

Stood by vessel.

Savedadinghy and rescued 2.

Escorted yacht.

Stood by dinghy.

Saved 2 boats.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Escorted boats.

Gave help.

Landed 2 boys.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Landed a sick man and an injured man.

Gave help.

Landed a body.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Rescued 2.

Saved boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved a canoe and rescued 1.

Gave help.

Stood by vessel.

Picked up a rubber dinghy.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

1962 May 19 Weymouth „, 20 Hastings 20 Torbay 23 Humber 24 Filey 24 Douglas ,, 25 Mallaig „ 28 Porthdinllaen 29 Filey 29 Cromer 29 Llandudno 31 Scarborough 31 Clacton-on-Sea 31 Whitby June 1 New Quay, Cardigan- shire 2 Lowestoft ,. 5 Bridlington 6 Eastbourne 9 Moelfre 10 North Sunderland 10 Dover 10 Wickiow 10 Portpatrick 12 Scarborough 12 Rhyl 14 Berwick-upon-Tweed 14 Dungeness 14 Humber 14 Llandudno 14 Donaghadee 16 Mumbles 17 Plymouth 18 Dun Laoghaire 18 Beaumaris 18 Dungeness 18 Stronsay 19 Fleetwood 20 Blyth 21 Kircudbright 21 Torbay 22 Berwick-upon-Tweed 24 Bridlington „ 24 Walton and Frinton „ 24 Anstruther 24 Scarborough „ 24 Filey „ 26 RuHswick „ 26 St. Abbs ,, 26 Clacton-on-Sea 26 Amble „ 26 Newbiggin 29 North Sunderland ,, 30 Troon July 1 Broughty Ferry ,, 2 Dungeness „ 3 Troon 3 Whitby ,, 4 Aberdeen „ 5 Angle „ 7 Hartlepool „ 8 Weymouth „ 8 Margate „ 9 Sennen Cove ..

9 Selscy „ 9 Shevingham ..

Casualty Outboard motor boat Motor boat Bonaventure Fishing vessel Silver Queen Yacht Vahalla Fishing cobles Sailing dinghy Bluebell Motor launch Yacht Scylla Fishing cobles Cabin cruiser Mayfly Boy fallen over cliff 5 fishing boats Cabin cruiser Amonellc Motor fishing vessel Pilot Me Boy fallen over cliff Tanker Stockholm Motor boat Fillet Motor cruiser Princess Yacht Prelude Motor dinghy Outboard motor boat Boy fallen over cliff Cliff accident Fishing vessel Avondale Fishing vessel Hawa-Ditli Trawler Marie Elizabeth Sailing yacht Twilight Cabin cruiser Sailing dinghy Fishing boat Betsey Bathers Fishing boat June Lippet Canoe Yacht Casquet Sailing dinghy Kim Dinghy Yacht Tocosco M.F.V. King Fisher ..

Pilot boat Cumbria Sailing dinghy M.V. Aptity Sailing yachts Naive, Salamander and Abigail Rubber dinghy Yacht Tomsk Yacht Saboo Yachts Saboo and Lygra Fishing coble Golden Crown ..

M.F.V. Alison Mary Canoe 4 fishing cobles 4 fishing cobles Pleasure boat Mercury Cabin cruiser Tonka Motor cruiser Catamaran Man requiring surgical treat- ment 3 fishing boats Fishing vessel May Motor boat Maid of Linney 4 youths stranded on rocks Swimmer Motor yacht Lady Molly Cabin cruiser Eldora Yacht Oriole Converted ship's life-boat Service Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Escorted boat.

Escorted boat.

Escorted 6 cobles.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Escorted 5 cobles.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Gave help.

Escorted 5 boats.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Stood by vessel.

Rescued 1.

Landed a sick man.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Landed an injured boy.

Landed an injured boy.

Put a doctor on board.

Rescued 2.

Landed a sick man.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Saved boat.

Saved boat and rescued 11.

Landed a body.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Saved yacht and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Saved yacht.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat.

Landed a sick man.

Escorted yacht.

Saved dinghy and landed 1.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 6 and gave help.

Escorted coble.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat.

Escorted boats.

Escorted boats.

Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Gave help and landed 2.

Conveyed 2 doctors to Lamlash.

Stood by boats.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 6 and a dog.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Date Station Casualty 1962 July 10 Clogher Head Motor boat 11 Amble Fishing vessel Amalthea 12 Mumbles Motor cruiser Blakeney Dawn 13 Reserve O.N.794 Motor cruiser 15 Lizard-Cadgwith Yacht Gweneth 15 Howth Girl at bottom of cliffs. . 15 Great Yarmouth and Gorleston 2 sailing dinghies 19 Humber Fishing boat Dorothy 20 St. Ives Yacht Liana 21 Appledore Yacht Pat 21 New Brighton Outboard motor dinghy 21 Selsey Yacht Joanna 21 Weymouth Yacht Ituna 21 Lowestoft Trimaran Nimble Venture 21 Lytham-St. Anne's . . Yacht Lone Seeker 23 Rosslare Harbour M.F.V. Sari Maris 24 Weymouth M.F.V. Four Girls 25 Sunderland M.F.V. Green Plover .. 26 Hastings Diving boat Missy 28 Sennen Cove Swimmers on rocks 29 New Brighton Canoe 30 Hoylake Yacht Lindy Lou 31 Bembridge 4 boys cut off by tide 31 Beaumaris Motor launch Sea Pegasus 31 Weymouth Yacht Themlyay Aug. 1 Galway Bay Sick child on Inishmaan Island 2 Aldeburgh 3 Bridlington 3 Margate 3 Salcombe 4 Rhyl 4 Longhope 4 Sennen Cove 4 Walton and Frinton 4 Howth 5 New Brighton 5 Moelfre 5 Weymouth 5 Barry Dock 5 Arbroath 6 Walton and Frinton 6 Salcombe 6 St. Helier 7 Dungeness 7 Yarmouth (I.O.W.) ..

7 Sheringham 7 Cadgwith 8 Yarmouth (I.O.W.) ..

9 Llandudno 9 Lowestoft 10 Clacton-on-Sea 11 Campbeltown 11 Howth 11 Clactpn-on-Sea 11 Berwick-upon-Tweed 11 North Sunderland 11 Great Yarmouth and Gorleston 12 Berwick-upon-Tweed 13 Holy head 13 Sunderland 13 Plymouth 14 St. Peter Port 14 Llandudno 14 Beaumaris 14 Llandudno 14 North Sunderland ..

Tanker British Oak Yacht Kantfo and 2 motor boats Yacht .; Yachts Thala and Edla Catamaran Fishing vessel Daisy Tug Sally Yacht Sailing dinghy Dainty Yacht Tricia 2 rowing boats Dinghy Yacht Betty M Motor yacht Myhaven Pram dinghy Sailing dinghy Banyan Yacht Themis Catamaran Nimble Eve Sloop Robbe Fishing boat Sprat Rubber dinghy Cabin cruiser Matoya II Yacht Hazhad Trawler Pierre Louis Sailing boat Oheron M.F.V. Betima Sailing boat Lorelei Yacht Velma Yacht My Lady and 2 trawlers..

Fishing vessel Yacht Come Away Dinghy Yacht Troll Fishing coble Forward Cabin cruiser David Auxiliary yawl Duet Man trapped by tide Motor launch and 6 yachts Motor launch and 6 yachts Yacht Amontillado Service Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 6.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 8.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Rescued 2.

Gave help.

Rescued 4.

Rescued 4.

Saved boat and rescued 6.

Gave help.

Brought a sick child to the mainland.

Landed an injured man.

Escorted 3 boats.

Gave help.

Escorted boats.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Landed 10.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Landed 2.

Saved boat and rescued 6.

Saved 2 boats and rescued 6.

Gave help.

Escorted yacht.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Saved boat.

Landed 1.

Gave help.

Rescued 5.

Saved boat and rescued 9.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat, rescued 4, and dog.

Saved boat.

Rescued 1.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Escorted boat.

Stood by dinghy.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Gave help.

Rescued 1.

Stood by.

Saved boats and rescued 5.

Gave help.

Date Station 1962 lug. 14 Poole 14 Skegness „ w New Quay „ 14 New Quay 14 Troon 14 Torbay 14 Torbay 15 Weymouth 15 Blyth .. 15 Galway Bay . . 16 Exmouth 16 Torbay 17 Humber 17 Padstow 17 Plymouth , 17 Reclcar 18 Arklow 18 Yarmouth (l.O.W.) 18 Buckie 19 Dun Laoghaire 19 Peterhead , 20 Swanage 20 Salcombe 20 llfracombe 22 Lytham-St. Anne's 23 Weymouth 23 Clacton-on-Sea „ 23 Donaghadee . . 23 Montrose 24 Falmouth 24 St. Abbs 24 Arklow 25 Dun Laoghaire 25 Holy Island . . 25 Sennen Cove . . 26 Dover 26 Howth 26 Howth 26 St. David's . . 26 St. Abbs 26 Bridlington 26 Minehead 26 Redcar , 26 Southcnd-on-Sea „ 28 Shoreham Harbour 30 St. Helier 31 Valentia Sept. 1 Penlee ..

„ 1 Ramsgate „ 2 llfracombe „ 2 Fowey ,, 2 Dunmore East „ 3 Sunderland „ 3 Criccieth 4 St. Peter Port 5 Weymouth „ 6 Tenby ..

„ 6 Hastings „ 7 Troon ..

„ 8 Portpatrick ..

„ 9 New Brighton 9 Howth..

,. 9 Fleetwood ,', 9 Troon ..

„ 9 Fishguard „ 9 Penlee ..

„ 11 Lerwick „ 11 Fraserburgh ..

Casualty Yacht Cash low Motor boat 2 inflatable dinghies Yacht Ark Cabin cruiser Beaver HI Fishing boat Torbay Belle Yacht Mikado Boy missing on cliff Fishing boat Sea Flower Trawler Paschal Yacht Caravel 11 Motor boat Rubber raft People cut off by tide Yacht Dainty 3 boys cut off by tide Codling lightvessel Dinghy Barbecue Aircraft Canoe Yacht Vidette Sailing dinghy Puffin Yacht Marola Yacht Cariad Coaster Druid Schooner The Garland Yacht Aslantf Rowing boat Fishing boat Rosemary Dinghy Fishing coble Mary Sailing dinghy Motor cruiser Rosalind Yacht Cuprous Girl on rocks Sailing yacht Maralm Motor boat Ark of Connemara Motor yacht Lady Sophie Yacht Ceri' o 3 fishing boats 3 fishing boats Fishing dinghy Sailing yacht S11699 ..

Yachts Faireaz, Zereda and Panacea Auxiliary ketch Diana Fishing boat Pinafore Yawl Motor vessel Ben Hope. .

French cutter Naia Rowing boat Yacht Why Auxiliary sloop Mtirjorie Gaw. .

Motor fishing vessel Nessie Sailing boat Scorpion Speed boat Jezebel Yacht Fair Winds 2 dinghies Motor vessel La Paloma Cabin cruiser Maureen Motor yacht Sea Witch Yacht Clueless Fishing vessel Runner Yacht Osterling Cabin cruiser Thistle Catamaran Catrina M.V. Uskport M.F.V. Eclipse U.S. Naval vessel lipshur Service Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Saved 2 dinghies and res- cued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Landed 2.

Stood by.

Stood by yacht.

Rescued 1.

Landed one.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Landed a body.

Saved boat and rescued 9.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Gave help.

Landed a body.

Landed eleven.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted 3 boats.

Escorted 3 boats.

Saved boat.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Rescued 9.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Landed 2 injured men.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Escorted boat.

Escorted yacht.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Landed 4.

Gave help.

Saved 2 boats and rescued 6.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Saved boat and rescued 13.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Landed a sick man.

Landed 3.

Landed a sick man.

Date Station 1962 Sept. 11 Southend-on-Sea „ 12 Flamborough „ 12 Ramsgate 12 Whitby ;, 12 Torbay „ 16 Barry Dock ..

,, 16 Newhavcn „ 16 Humber 16 Ballycotton ..

17 Rhyl 19 Wells „ 21 Humber „ 22 Tcnby 23 Filey' ,, 23 Cromer No. 1 ,, 23 New Brighton „ 24 F!eetwood ,, 25 Stromncss 27 Torbay „ 28 Bembridgc „ 28 Walmcr 29 Falmouth 29 Weymouth ..

,, 29 Weymouth 29 Poole 29 Angle , 29 Courtmacsherry Hbr.

30 Poole 30 Lytham-St. Anne's ..

30 Mallaig 30 Rhyl Oct. 1 Donaghadee . .

„ 1 Berwick-on-Tweed ..

„ 4 Lytham-St. Anne's ..

„ 5 Arbroath ,, 6 Hartlepool „ 6 Hastings ., 6 Barrow ,, 7 Ne vbiggin ,, 9 Rosslare Harbour „ 10 Hyemouth ., 11 Clacton-on-Sea ,, 14 Broughty Ferry ,, 16 Great Yarmouth and Gorlcston . .

„ 16 Southend-on-Sea ,, 17 Newhaven 17 Peterhead 20 Barry Dock 21 Llandudno 22 Hastings „ 25 Thurso 26 Whitby „ 27 Barmouth 27 St. Peter Port 28 The Mumbles 28 Clacton-on-Sea Nov. 1 Bridlington ,. 1 Arbroath „ 2 Anstruther ,, 2 Cromer No. 1 „ 3 Sennen Cove . .

„ 3 Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Casualty Motor cruiser htar and ship's boat Fishing coble Provider Yacht Andy Cap 5 fishing boats Boy marooned on Cradle Rock Catamaran M.V. Dahlia Yacht Katheite Pleasure boat St. Philomcna ..

Hovercraft V.A. 3-001 Motor cruiser Drifter Tea Rose Cabin cruiser Dinghy Yacht Elizabeth A/in Yacht F.V. Zvava III M.F.V. Wave Sheaf ..

Yacht Joanna Yawl Elaine Cabin cruiser Picqi/igny Motor launch Red flashing buoy adrift Cabin cruiser Medina Yacht Marmara Delia Yacht Marjorie Gaw Motor boat Puffin Cabin cruiser Sea Knight Dinghy M.F.V. Widder Sailing dinghy West Wind&nA a launch M.V. Holweirdre M.V. Corbrae M.V. Zenit Fishing vessel Eight Bells S.S. Theodore N. Vlassopolos . .

Motor boat Lady Molly Cabin cruiser Happy Wanderer Cabin cruiser Medina M.F.V. Sari Mar is M.F.V. 77;w Motor boat Speed boat M.V. Melroxe Abbey Motor barge Adieu Fishing vessel Plover Cabin cruiser Lillian Motor cruiser Gillian Canoe and rowing boat Yacht My Heart's Content S.S. Karen 5 local fishing vessels Yacht Taki Fishing vessel An vae des Plots. .

Motor cruiser Larkspur Motor cruiser Buahuri ..

11 fishing boats 17 fishing boats M.V. Musketier H.M.S. Scott Trawler Jeanne Goi;;;y Smith's Knoll Light vessel Service Saved 2 boats and landed 2.

Escorted boat.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Escorted boats.

Landed 1.

Landed 2.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 6.

Saved hovercraft and res- cued 3.

Saved boat.

Landed a sick man.

Gave help.

Escorted boat.

Gave help.

Saved dinghy.

Landed 2.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat and rescued 1.

Recovered buoy.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Rescued 2.

Saved boat and rescued 4.

Stood by vessel.

Saved boat.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Saved 2 boats and rescued 6.

Landed an injured man.

Landed an injured man.

Landed sick man thereby saving his life.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Saved boat and rescued 3.

Landed 2.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Stood by yacht.

Escorted vessel.

Escorted 5 boats.

Rescued 2.

Gave help.

Saved boat and rescued 6.

Saved boat and rescued 5.

Escorted 11 boats.

Escorted 17 boats.

Saved 2 rubber dinghies and rescued 7.

Landed a sick man.

Landed 2 bodies.

Landed a sick man thereby saving his life.

1 Date 1962 Nov.


3 Portrush 4 Blyth ..

4 Hastings 6 Lowestoft 9 Whitby 10 Lowestoft 16 Hartlepool 17 Rosslare Harbour 17 North Sunderland 17 Holy Island ..

17 Appledore 18 Blyth ..

18 Criccieth 22 Selsey 22 Howth 23 Swanage 24 Cromer No. 1 3 Penlee 7 Stronsay 7 Longhope 8 Southend-on-Sea 9 Arranmore 12 Whitby 13 Holyhead 14 Plymouth 14 Fleetwood 15 Humber 15 Padstow 16 Appledore 17 Fleetwood 20 Barra Island ..

20 Bridlington ..

22 Stronsay 26 Hartlepool ..

31 Baltimore THE LIFE-BOAT Casualty Trawler Ella Hewett Fishing vessel Linda M Motor boat Joy Injured man on Tanker Esso Parentis Local fishing fleet Drifter Silver Wave Converted ship's boat Trawler ..

F.V. Faithful F.V. Faithful and North Sunder- land life-boat R.F.A. Tanker Green Ranger ..

M.V. Paullgate Dutch M.V. Maria W ..

M.V. Lantyan Fishing punt M.F.V. Lundy M.V. Viscount Sick man on tug Ocean Bull ..

Fishing boat Ben More Yawl Lion M.V. Temar M.V. Unitas Three motor fishing vessels M.V. filica Trawler Pentillie. .

2 men on the Wyre Light Barge Will Everard M.V. Nimrod M.V. Nimrod Fishing boat Eleanora M.V. Eendright Fishing boats Ocean Gift, Betty and Liberty Trawler Prince de Liege Fishing vessel Buena Fortuna . .

Trawler Rosario Lopez, [MARCH, 1963 Service Rescued 19.

Saved boat and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Landed an injured man.

Stood by boats.

Stood by vessel.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted vessel.

Escorted vessels.

Stood by vessel.

Escorted vessel and rescued 2.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Saved boat.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Landed a sick man.

Gave help.

Escorted vessel.

Rescued 1 and landed 6.

Gave help.

Escorted vessels.

Escorted vessel.

Escorted vessel.

Landed 2.

Rescued 3.

Stood by vessel.

Stood by vessel.

Gave help.

Gave help.

Escorted boats.

Landed 13.

Escorted vessel.

Stood by vessel.

SUMMARY OF THE YEAR'S WORK Lives rescued by life-boats Lives rescued in other ways for whose rescue the Institution gave rewards Total lives rescued People landed from vessels in which they might have been in danger Boats and vessels which life-boats saved or helped to save Boats and vessels which life-boats stood by, escorted to safety, or helped Total number of launches, including those in which for various reasons no services were rendered 422 133 555 169 121 311 831 Notice All contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, or to Stirling Whorlow Esq., the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in June, 1963..