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DOCTOR TAKEN TO DUTCH MOTOR VESSEL Donaghadee, Co. Down. At 7.20 on the evening of the 1st October, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Dutch motor vessel Holweirdre of Delfzijl had asked for a doctor for a member of her crew, who appeared to be suffering from a severe hernia. In spite of numerous efforts the coastguard had not been able to find a doctor in Bangor who could go out.

At 7.35 the life-boat Sir Samuel Kelly put out at low water, after taking on board a local doctor. There was a gentle south-west breeze with a moderate sea. The Holweirdre was reached, and the injured man was taken on board the life-boat and brought to Bangor, where an ambulance was waiting to take him to hospital. The life-boat returned to her station at 10.5..