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SICK MAN TAKEN OFF SURVEY VESSEL Cromer, Norfolk. At 9.45 on the evening of the 2nd November, 1962, the coastguard informed the coxswain that H.M.S. Scott, one of the survey vessels of the Royal Navy, had requested a doctor and ambulance to be at Cromer pier as she had a sick man on board. The coastguard asked the coxswain if he and some of the life-boat crew could be at the life-boat slipway to help the ship's boat, which had the sick man on board, ashore. The ship's boat was due to arrive at 11.30. The wind and tide at this time would have made it extremely difficult for a boat to lie alongside the steps of the slipway, and it was decided to offer the services of the life-boat to bring the sick man direct from the vessel. The offer was accepted, and at ]0.55 the no. 1 life-boat Henry Bloggwas launched with a doctor on board in a gentle south-westerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was two hours after high water. The doctor went aboard H.M.S.
Scott to examine the patient. A quarter of an hour later the patient was transferred to the life-boat, and after the doctor had been taken on board, the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 11.45. The patient was taken by ambulance to the Cromer hospital..