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New Ways of Raising Money

Regular customers at the "Rising Sun" in the City of London are expected to carry with them certain unusual coins which they are known to possess. If they fail to produce them fines are imposed, and in this way the landlord, Mr. F. W.

Ogden, and his customers have raised £408 for the Institution in a little under two years.

Members of the Moffat ladies' life- boat guild are asked to put 3d. in a collecting box each time they see or hear any mention of any life-boat in the press, on television or on sound radio.

Each member is also asked to raise 5s.

by some particular effort in addition to their own contributions.

* * * The operating theatre staff of the Torbay hospital decided instead of giving Christmas presents to each other that they would contribute the normal cost of all presents to the Institution.

A cheque for £5 2s. 6d. was sent to the Torbay branch.

* * * The Stanmore branch staged, with success, a variant on a jumble sale known as a "Good as New Sale".

People were asked to produce articles which they did not want but which were virtually new. 2d. in every Is. from the sale prices was given to branch funds, and £28 was raised in two hours.

* * * The Trustees of the Ashgate Gallery donated part of the proceeds of an exhibition entitled "British Sculpture Today" to the Institution. Several branches shared in a total of £86 4s. 6d.

The Orpington and District branch organized a chess tournament, the entry fees going to branch funds.A supporter of the Bray branch in County Wicklow asks his friends to pay market prices for the vegetables he grows, giving the proceeds to branch funds.The winchman at the St. David's life-boat station is a farmer, and his wife allows visitors to park in one of their fields whenever the life-boat is called out, making a collection for branch funds among the parked cars.

The car park at the "Sailor's Home" at Kessingland is made available in the same way, and one day in September, 1962, when the collecting box was opened it was found to contain more than £23.

* * * A London dentist recently received instructions from the widow of one of his former patients to dispose of her husband's gold false teeth. The sum of £3 14s. raised was given to the Insti- tution.

* * * A supporter in Eyemouth, Berwick- shire, has his socks darned by a lady who donates the proceeds to life-boat funds.

* * * The honorary treasurer of the East- bourne branch, who is a watchmaker, received an anonymous letter with an enclosure of 15s. The writer of the letter, whose watch had been damaged, had made a false claim to invoke the guaran- tee and had sent the 15s. as conscience money..