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Life-Boat Postage Stamps

THE General Post Office is issuing a set of postage stamps to mark the ninth international life-boat conference being held in Edinburgh in June 1963. The stamps will be in the denominations of 2|d., 4d. and Is. 6d. and will be on sale generally during the month of June.

The Institution has purchased several thousand souvenir envelopes of an attractive kind, which will certainly appeal to keen philatelists. Anyone wishing to obtain one of these with a full set of stamps franked in Edinburgh and posted on the first day of issue should send a remittance of 3s. 6d. to 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London S.W.1 to arrive not later than 15th May. The name and address to which the envelope is to be posted should be clearly stated.

Alternatively the souvenir envelopes without stamps can be supplied for 6d.

each provided not less than one dozen are ordered.

Special franking of the stamps with a life-boat design is also being done at post offices in a number of the larger cities in Great Britain and in Northern Ireland..