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Fishing Vessels and Express

FISHING VESSEL STRIKES PIER IN NEAR GALE Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 2.15 on the afternoon of the 1st November, 1962, the harbour master informed the honorary secretary that several fishing vessels were at sea in deteriorating weather. At 3.0 the life-boat Tillie Morrison, Sheffield II was launched in a southerly wind of near gale force and a rough sea. It was an hour and a half after low water. Ten of the fishing vessels were escorted into harbour by the life-boat. The fishing vessel Express then approached the harbour with the life-boat in close attendance, but as she approached the head of the north pier the Express broached to and ran head on into the pierhead. Fortunately the next sea drove her round the pier and into the harbour, where she grounded. The services of the life-boat were completed by 5.30, but it was decided to leave her afloat in case she was required again.

She was not needed and was rehoused at ten o'clock the next day..