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West Wind and the Rhyl Yacht Club Rescue Launch

RESCUE LAUNCH AND DINGHY TOWED TO HARBOUR Rhyl, Flintshire. At 12.30 on the afternoon of the 30th September, 1962, the coastguard told the motor mechanic that a sailing dinghy had capsized near the entrance to the harbour. At 12.40 the life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched in a west-south-westerly gale and a rough sea. It was high water. The life-boat reached the position and found the sailing dinghy West Wind with the Rhyl yacht club rescue launch alongside her. The two members of the sailing dinghy's crew were taken on board the life-boat. The coxswain then learnt that a wire halliard from the dinghy had fouled the propeller of the launch. Attempts were made to cut the wire, but they were unsuccessful. The life-boat therefore towed the launch to the harbour, where the crew of the dinghy were put ashore. The life-boat then returned to the sailing dinghy, which was half a mile east of her original position and drifting fast. The dinghy was righted, and the life-boat towed her back to the harbour, reaching her station at 3.45..