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RAILWAYS STEAMERS HELP TO FIND FISHING BOAT St. Helier, Jersey. At 4.10 on the morning of the 30th August, 1962, the harbour office informed the honorary secretary that the 28-foot fishing boat Pinafore, which had put out with a crew of four, had not returned. At 4.30 the life-boat Lloyd's, on temporary duty at the station, put to sea. There was a light northerly breeze with a swell, and the tide was flooding. The British Railways steamers Cranbourne and Moose, which were bound for Jersey, were asked to keep a look-out. The Cranbourne picked up two boats on her radar, but they did not need help, and later the Moose, which was to the northward, reported an echo on her radar two and a half miles west of Corbiere. This proved to be from the Pinafore, and the Moose stood by until the life-boat arrived. The life-boat took off the four people, put one of her own crew on board, and towed the fishing boats to St. Helier, which was reached at 7.46..