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SICK MAN TAKEN OFF DRIFTER Humber, Yorkshire. At 3.18 on the morning of the 21st September, 1962, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that a member of the crew of the drifter Tea Rose of Fraserburgh was thought to have appendicitis, and that the vessel was making for the River Humber accompanied by H.M.S.

Soberton. The help of a doctor was asked for, and at 4.15 the life-boat City of Bradford III was launched with a doctor on board. There was a gentle north-west-by-westerly breeze and a slight sea. It was an hour and a half after high water. The life-boat met the drifter off the Spurn lightvessel at 4.40, and the doctor was put aboard her.

The life-boat and the drifter then continued at full speed to the river, and at the Lower Burcom buoy the doctor and the patient were transferred to the lifeboat.

They were landed at Grimsby, where an ambulance was waiting to take the patient to hospital. The doctor had diagnosed kidney trouble. The life-boat reached her station at 7.35..