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La Paloma

EXPLOSION ABOARD GERMAN MOTOR VESSEL Hastings, Sussex. At 2.58 on the morning of the 6th September, 1962, the Fairlight coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a red flare had been seen six miles east-south-east of Fairlight look-out. At 3.25 the life-boat M.T.C. was launched. There was a south-westerly gale and a rough sea, and it was high water. The life-boat found that the Netherlands motor vessel Zwaluw had taken on board the entire crew of eight of the motor vessel La Paloma of Brake, West Germany.

The motor vessel had been laden with pitch, there had been an explosion, and she was now on fire. The life-boat stood by the La Paloma, and later the Zwaluw took the German vessel in tow. The life-boat then started back for her station, but as the tow rope parted, she returned to the scene and transferred the La Paloma''s captain and a crew member from the Zwaluw to the La Paloma. The French tug Hardi reached the position during the morning, took over the tow and made for Dover. The Zwaluw continued on her way, and the life-boat, being no longer needed, reached her station at two o'clock in the afternoon..