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Centenary of Scottish Station

THE hundredth anniversary of the establishment of a life-boat station at Kirkcudbright was commemorated at a ceremony at the harbour on the 19th July, when Lord Saltoun, Convener of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, presented a certificate inscribed on vellum to the branch. Mr. A. C.

Brown, president of the branch, was in the chair, and the Rev. Robert R. Y.

Minto conducted a service of thanks- giving. Mr. T. R. Collin, honorary secretary and treasurer of the branch, after accepting the vellum, handed it to the Provost of the Royal Burgh of Kirkcudbright for safe keeping. The Provost, Mr. W. F. Maxwell, accepted it and a vote of thanks was then proposed by Dr. R. N. Rutherfurd, vice-president of the branch. The singing was led by the Kirkcudbright Choral Society under the direction of Mrs. T. R. Collin, wife of the honorary secretary and treasurer. During the ceremony the life-boat went to inves- tigate a report of a capsize, but her services were not required..