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A Relief Boat and a Pilot Boat

PILOT BOAT TAKES RELIEF BOAT IN TOW Clogher Head, Co. Lough. At 2.45 on the afternoon of the 10th July, 1962, the honorary secretary received a message from the Baily lighthouse that the small relief boat for the Dundalk lighthouse was adrift with three men on board west of the Baily lighthouse. This was confirmed by the Dundalk pilot station with the added information that the pilot boat was aground and was unable to give any help. A strong easterly wind was blowing with a rough sea, and it was raining heavily. At 3.15 the life-boat George and Caroline Ermen was launched on the flooding tide. When she reached a position in Dundalk Bay west of the lighthouse she found that the pilot boat, which had been refloated in the meantime, had the relief boat in tow. The life-boat escorted both boats to safety and reached her station at 9.15..