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A Raft

SURVIVORS FROM RAFT LANDED Humber, Yorkshire. At 5.51 on the morning of the 17th August, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the trawler Scampton had picked up a man and a woman from a raft about 40 miles east-north-east of Spurn, and had asked for the life-boat to meet her and take them off. A rendezvous was arranged at the Spurn lightvessel at 9.30. At 8.35 the life-boat City of Bradford HI was launched on the ebbing tide in a gentle south-west breeze and a moderate sea. She met the Scampton about a mile east-north-east of the Spurn lightvessel at 9.10. The two survivors and their raft and outboard motor were taken on board the life-boat, which made for Grimsby. On the way the lifeboat received a message from the Humber lightvessel asking for a pilot, who was on board the lightvessel, to be taken to Grimsby. The pilot was embarked and the life-boat reached Grimsby at 11.45, where the pilot and the survivors were landed. Because of the state of the tide the life-boat remained at Grimsby until four o'clock and then returned to her station, arriving at five o'clock. The two people who had been rescued from the raft had been on board the survey ship May HI and had left her at nine o'clock the evening before in their raft to go to the survey ship Vigia, which was about half a mile away. Their outboard motor had broken down and they had become lost in the darkness. The Scampton had picked them up at five o'clock in the morning..