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Two Sailing Dinghies

TWO MEN RESCUED FROM CAPSIZED DINGHY St. David's, Pembrokeshire. At 1.17 on the afternoon of the 12th May, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that two sailing dinghies had capsized in St. Bride's Bay off Nolton and that they were drifting towards the Stack Rock. There was a moderate north-east wind with a rough sea. At 1.40 the life-boat Swn-y-Mor (Civil Service No. 6) was launched at high water. One dinghy had been righted and was seen to be making towards Littlehaven.

News was then received that two men were clinging to another upturned and drifting boat. This information had been obtained by the district officer of Coastguard, who had gone to Littlehaven.

He gave the position as about four miles from Littlehaven, in line with Cam Llidi. The life-boat soon reached the capsized dinghy and rescued her crew of two. They were both exhausted and suffering from cold and exposure.

They were placed in a comfortable position near the engine room of the life-boat, wrapped in blankets and given warm drinks. The life-boat then returned to her station, which she reached at 5.30. By then the two rescued men had recovered considerably, and they were able to leave for Solva..