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Two Canoes

RESCUES FROM CAPSIZED CANOES Tenby, Pembrokeshire. At 2.40 on the afternoon of the 16th May, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that two canoes, with two men in each, had overturned off Amroth Castle.

There was a moderate westerly wind with a moderate sea. At 2.50 the lifeboat John R. Webb, on temporary duty at the station, was launched on the flooding tide. On reaching the position given the life-boat found two upturned canoes and picked up a survivor. Some men serving in the R.A.F. at St. Athan were also seen moving along the beach supporting another rescued man. This man was in very poor shape, and it was decided to land him at Saundersfoot, where arrangements had been made for a doctor and an ambulance to be waiting.

On reaching Saundersfoot the lifeboat crew were told that as many as eleven men were missing, and the lifeboat therefore returned to continue the search. The motor boat Sue-Gina also put out to help, and the rocket apparatus was placed in position by the coastguard.

But at five o'clock a report was received that all the men at sea in canoes had been accounted for and were safe, and the life-boat then returned to her station, which she reached at 6.15. A letter of appreciation was received from the Royal Air Force station at St. Athan..