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The Seine-Net Fishing Boat Avondale

DOCTOR TAKEN TO FISHING BOAT Scarborough, Yorkshire. At 9.45 on the morning of the 12th June, 1962, the coastguard informed the coxswain that the seine-net fishing boat Avondale of Hartlepool, which was making for Scarborough, had a sick man on board.

The man had collapsed with a suspected heart attack. The life-boat Howard D., on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 10.15 with a doctor on board. There was a light southwesterly breeze and a smooth sea.

The tide was half flood. The life-boat met the Avondale twelve miles eastnorth- east of Scarborough, where the doctor and two members of the lifeboat crew were put aboard. The man had died, and after the doctor and the crew members had been re-embarked the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at two o'clock..