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The Netherlands Fishery Cruiser Vos

SICK MAN TAKEN OFF DUTCH TRAWLER Berwick-upon-T weed, Northumberland.

At 12.14 on the afternoon of the 14th June, 1962, a message was received from the staff of the Flag Officer, Scotland, that the Netherlands fishery cruiser Vos had embarked a sick man from the Netherlands trawler Marie Elizabeth of Ymuiden. The Vos had intended to land the man at Berwick, but because of her length and draft and the fact that there were neap tides there was not enough water for her to enter harbour. At 12.30 the life-boat William and Mary Durham was launched in a strong south-westerly wind and a moderate sea. It was almost high water. The honorary medical adviser was on board, and the life-boat met the Vos seven miles east of Berwick.

After the man had been examined he was transferred to the life-boat, which landed him at Berwick. He was taken to hospital, and the life-boat finally reached her station at 2.5..