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The Blackwater Lightvessel

MAN TAKEN OFF LIGHTVESSEL IN NEAR GALE Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford, At 8.30 on the morning of the 2nd April, 1962, the assistant inspector of Irish Lights told the honorary secretary that the mother of a seaman on board the Blackwater lightvessel had died. As the weather was bad and no other suitable boat was available, he asked if the lifeboat could bring the seaman ashore.

The life-boat Douglas Hyde left her moorings at 9.15 in a south-westerly wind of near gale force and a rough sea.

It was low water. The life-boat reached the lightvessel and took the seaman on board. He was landed at Rosslare harbour at 1.20, and the life-boat reached her moorings at 2.15..