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Silver Queen

LIFE-BOAT ESCORTS FISHING VESSEL IN TOW Torbay, Devon. At 5.4 on the afternoon of the 20th May, 1962, the coastguard passed on to the honorary secretary a report from the police at Torbay that a boat near Thatcher rock needed help. The life-boat Princess Alexandra of Kent left her moorings at 5.20 in a strong southerly wind and a moderate sea. It was two hours before high water. A motor boat reached the casualty, which was the fishing vessel Silver Queen, shortly before the lifeboat did. The Silver Queen's engine had broken down, and the motor boat took her in tow towards Torquay. The tow rope parted soon afterwards and had to be reconnected. The coxswain decided to escort both vessels as far as Torquay, and the life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 6.50..