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Princess of Newhaven

MOTOR CRUISER TOWED AFTER CREW LAND Eastbourne, Sussex. At 6.15 on the evening of the 6th June, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small vessel was ashore on the rocks at Birling Gap. The life-boat Beryl Tollemache was launched at 6.20, with a skiff in tow, in a light northeasterly breeze and a moderate sea. It was an hour and a half before low water.

The life-boat reached the position given at 7.35, and the coxswain sent two members of the crew ashore in the skiff to investigate. They found the local life-saving apparatus team standing by and the crew of two of the motor cruiser Princess of Newhaven safe on shore. As the Princess was in danger of breaking up on the rocks, the lifeboat towed her to Eastbourne, where she was beached. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 12.50..