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Pilot Me

LAUNCH TO MOTOR FISHING VESSEL IN GALE Whitby, Yorkshire. At 11.45 on the morning of the 31st May, 1962, the coxswain reported that because of the bad weather the whole of the local fishing fleet had returned early with the exception of the motor fishing vessel Pilot Me.

A north-north-westerly gale was blowing with a very rough sea. The tide was flooding. The Pilot Me's crew had been advised by the other fishermen to make for Hartlepool, but her crew decided to return to Whitby. The sea was very heavy on the bar and for a mile off shore. At 12.30 the life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched to stand by on the bar and await the return of the Pilot Me, which was expected about one o'clock. The coastguard fired a rocket to warn the Pilot Me not to attempt to cross the bar, but the Pilot Me succeeded in making harbour safely, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 1.15..