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HELICOPTER LOWERS DOCTORS TO LIFE-BOAT The Mumbles, Glamorganshire. At 8.3 on the evening of the 16th June, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that two girls were in difficulties in Three Cliffs Bay.

There was a light westerly breeze with a smooth sea. At 8.11 the life-boat William Gammon —• Manchester and District XXX was launched on the ebbing tide. She reached Three Cliffs Bay at 8.50, but meanwhile a message had been received that one girl had been brought ashore. The life-boat was asked to search for the one who was missing.

She was eventually found floating and unconscious, and the life-boat crew carried out artificial respiration. Meanwhile a helicopter had reached the scene, and a crew-man was lowered to the life-boat to help the crew in giving oxygen. The helicopter was then asked to fetch a doctor. At 9.5 the house surgeon of Swansea hospital and another doctor were picked up on the George V playing fields by the helicopter, which took them out and lowered them on to the life-boat.

Continuous efforts were made to revive the girl but without success. When the life-boat reached the Mumbles she was placed on the life-boat stretcher and landed on the life-boat slipway. A waiting ambulance then took her to hospital, but on arrival she was found to be dead. It is almost certain that she was already dead when she was picked up by the life-boat. The lifeboat finally reached her station at 11.10..