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Emulate, Honour, Random Harvest and Green Pastures (1)

TWO LIFE-BOATS ESCORT COBLES Amble, and Newbiggin, Northumberland.

On the morning of the 26th June, 1962, the weather deteriorated rapidly.

A north-north-easterly gale sprang up, and the sea became very rough. Four Newbiggin fishing cobles were at sea, and at 10.50 the Newbiggin life-boat Richard Ashley was launched. It was high water. Most of the regular crew members of the life-boat were at sea, but a reserve crew had been quickly formed. The Amble life-boat Millie Walton was also launched at 10.56.

The four cobles, the Emulate, Honour, Random Harvest and Green Pastures, were found in Druridge Bay and were escorted safely to Newbiggin by both life-boats. The Newbiggin life-boat reached her station at 3.45, but because of conditions on the harbour bar at Amble the Amble life-boat made for Blyth, where she remained until she was able to return to her station, which she finally reached at seven o'clock in the evening..