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Bust of Henry Blogg

A PLEASANT ceremony took place at Cromer on the 23rd May, 1962, when Earl Howe, Chairman of the Committee of Management, unveiled a memorial to the great Cromer coxswain, Henry Blogg. The memorial takes the form of a bronze bust and bronze inscription in a granite setting, and it stands by the old watch-house looking out towards the Haisborough sands.

The bust is the work of Mr. James Woodford, R.A., and the original plaster cast was shown at this year's summer exhibition at the Royal Aca- demy. It was provided at the expense of a lady who wishes to remain anonymous and who, after the ceremony, sent a donation to the Cromer branch in recognition of what she described as "a very beautiful and moving occasion".

Coxswain Henry Davies, who is Henry Blogg's nephew and is today coxswain of the no. 1 life-boat, laid a wreath, and the Vicar of Cromer, the Rev. C. W. J. Searle-Barnes, conducted a short service. Mr. Anthony Gurney, a County Councillor, formally presented the bust to the townspeople of Cromer on behalf of the anonymous donor, and Councillor J. E. Webster, Chairman of the Cromer Urban District Council, accepted it. At the end of the ceremony Mr. Webster presented to Lord Howe as a memento of the occasion a model in a bottle of the Cromer no. 1 life-boat Henry Blogg, which had been made by Mr. W. Threlfall, District Officer of Coastguard..