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Bishop's Comment on the Life-Boat Service

THE Bishop of St. David's, the Right Reverend John Richards, gave an address from the bandstand at Aberyst- wyth on the 9th May, 1962, in which he said: "No organisation in the whole of our history has revealed more truly the spirit of self-sacrifice and high adventure than the Royal National Life- boat Institution". The occasion was the celebration of the hundredth anniver- sary of the founding of a life-boat station at Aberystwyth.

Service of Thanksgiving After a service of thanksgiving had been conducted on the promenade by the Rev. D. E. Evans and the Rev.

Haines Davies, Admiral Sir John Eccles, a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, pre- sented a certificate inscribed on vellum marking the centenary to Coxswain John Nichol. At the request of the chairman of the branch, Captain C. F. H. Churchill, the Mayor of Aberystwyth, Alderman W. G. Kitchin, accepted custody of the vellum and undertook to keep it in a place of honour in the Town Hall.

Among the large crowd who had assembled in spite of the bad weather were four representatives of the Aguila Wren Memorial Fund, the donors of the boat, and three former Aberystwyth cox- swains, John Daniel, Evan Davies and Baden Davies.

In the evening a dinner and ball were held, at which Sir John Eccles presented a certificate of service to ex-coxswain Baden Davies.

To mark their centenary the Aberyst- wyth branch produced an attractive booklet giving the history of the station..