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SICK MAN TAKEN OFF TANKER Berwick-upon-Tweed,Northumberland.

At 8.10 on the morning of the 22nd June, 1962, a message was received from the Lloyd's local agent that the tanker Aptity of London, bound from Rotterdam to Grangemouth, had asked for the life-boat to meet her and take ashore a member of the crew who was seriously ill with stomach trouble. At 8.20 the life-boat William and Mary Durham was launched with a doctor on board in a light south-westerly wind and a moderate sea. The tide was half ebb. The tanker was met three miles east of Berwick, and the sick man, after being examined by the doctor, was transferred to the life-boat and landed. He was immediately taken to hospital by ambulance, and the life-boat reached her station at 9.15..