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Alison Mary

ESCORT FOR BOAT WITH CREW MEMBER ABOARD St. Abbs, Berwickshire. On the morning of the 26th June, 1962, anxiety was felt for the safety of the local fishing boat Alison Mary, which was long overdue from fishing. There was a fresh northerly wind and a rough sea. At 8.40 the life-boat W. Ross Macarthur of Glasgow was launched one hour before high water. She found the Alison Mary a short distance north of St. Abbs Head lighthouse. The fishingboat had shipped a heavy sea, which had stopped her engine, and she was in danger of being washed ashore on the rocks. The one man aboard her, who is a member of the life-boat crew, was able to restart his engine, and the lifeboat escorted the fishing boat into St.

Abbs harbour. The life-boat reached her station at 9.30..