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The S.S. Kirsten Skou and Karpfanger

DANISH AND GERMAN SHIPS TN COLLISION Dover, Kent. At 5.29 on the morning of the 29th March, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that two ships had been in collision six miles north of Dover. The life-boat Southern Africa left her moorings at six o'clock in a light westerly breeze and a slight sea. It was one hour after high water. On reaching the position the life-boat found that the two ships involved were the s.s. Kirsten Skou of Copenhagen, and the motor vessel Karpfanger of Hamburg. The German vessel had sunk and her crew of thirtyfour had been rescued by the steamer.

The master of the Karpfanger asked the coxswain if he would land him and his crew. They were therefore taken on board the life-boat and landed at Dover, and the life-boat reached her moorings at 8.40..