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The S.S. Bencmachan

DOCTOR TAKEN OUT TO STEAMER Humber, Yorkshire. At ten o'clock on the morning of the 18th January, 1962, the coastguard informed the coxswain superintendent that the s.s.

Bencmachan of Leith was making for Spurn with an injured man on board.

The vessel was due at Spurn lightvessel at one o'clock. The life-boat City of Bradford II, on temporary duty at the station, was launched at 12.10 with a doctor on board. There was a moderate west-south-westerly wind and a slight sea. It was two and a half hours after low water. The life-boat met the Bencruachan and put the doctor aboard. The injured man, who had a broken neck and fractured skull, was found to be dead. The doctor rejoined the life-boat, which returned to her station at 2.45. The vessel proceeded to Grangemouth to land the body..