River Afton
INJURED MAN TAKEN OFF MOTOR VESSEL Penlee, Cornwall. At 10.30 on the night of the 4th March, 1962, the honorary secretary was informed that a doctor was needed to attend an injured member of the crew of the motor vessel River A/ton of Newcastleupon- Tyne. A rendezvous was arranged, and at three o'clock in the morning the life-boat Solomon Browne was launched. She made for Newlyn to embark a doctor and an ambulance crew. There was a light easterly wind and a choppy sea, and it was high water. The life-boat met the River Afton ten miles south of Penzance, where the doctor was put on board.
The vessel then continued to Mount's Bay escorted by the life-boat, and at 5.40 the doctor and the injured man were transferred to the life-boat. The life-boat reached Newlyn at 5.53, where the man, who had suspected fractures of the skull and leg, was taken to hospital. The life-boat could not be rehoused until three o'clock in the afternoon..