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BOYS HAULED UP CLIFF BY COASTGUARD St. David's, Pembrokeshire. At 4.30 on the afternoon of the 18th March, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that three boys had been cut off by the tide at Pen Cwm Bach. Further information was asked for, and when this had been received the life-boat Swn-y-Mor (Civil Service No. 6) was launched with her boarding boat in tow. There was a light easterly breeze and a heavy swell, and it was high water. On reaching the position, the second coxswain and a member of the crew made two attempts to go ashore in the boarding boat, but the heavy swell made it impossible to come close enough for them to land.

A message was then sent by morse to the coastguard, who were preparing to haul the boys up the cliff face, that no landing could be expected from the life-boat. A further attempt was in fact made, but this too was unsuccessful.

The coastguard had by then secured their ropes and tackles in position, and the three boys were hauled up a sloping cliff some fifty feet to safety. The life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 9.45..