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Marie McClements

FISHING VESSEL AGROUND ON ROCKS Cloughey, Co. Down. At 8.42 on the morning of the 29th January, 1962, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the fishing vessel Marie McClements of Portavogie was aground near the South Rock. The life-boat Constance Calverley was launched at nine o'clock in a light southerly breeze and a slight sea. It was two hours befoie low water. The life-boat reached the stranded vessel and found that the fishing boat Investor had a line aboard the Marie McClements, which was lying on her starboard side on top of the rock. The Marie McClements's crew of five decided to stay on board, as the weather was calm. Shortly afterwards ten other boats of the local fishing fleet arrived, and two of these managed to refloat the Marie McClements on the flood tide. The life-boat helped in this operation and then escorted the Marie McClements to Portavogie harbour. The life-boat reached her station at 8.44..