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Jean & Barbara

COBLE ESCORTED ASHORE AFTER DRIFTING Filey, Yorkshire. At 2.20 on the afternoon of the 7th March, 1962, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that because of the deteriorating weather conditions he thought it advisable to launch the life-boat to the help of fishing boats. The life-boat The Isa & Penryn Milsted was launched at 2.55 in a strong south-easterly wind and a rough sea. It was two hours before high water. A report was then received that the fishing coble Jean & Barbara was believed to have broken down and to be drifting four miles east-northeast of Filey Brigg. The life-boat found the coble and escorted her safely ashore. She reached her station at four o'clock but because of high water she could not be rehoused until 7.45..