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Children's Book Recommended

Miss Mary F. Moore has managed to convey a remarkable amount of valuable information about life-boats, coastguards, lighthouses and light-ves- sels in a very easily readable form in her Life-boats and Lifesaving (Macmillan, 2/6).

The story is told largely through two children, Peter and Sheila, who ask questions of a merchant sea- man, a life-boat honorary secretary, a coastguard and a lightkeeper, and the answers are clear and informative.

There are one or two minor inaccuracies in the account of the building of the first life-boats, and it seems strange that the honorary secretary of the Lytham-St. Anne's life-boat station, who is clearly identified, should be given the name Kenyon instead of Kennedy. But the book can be warmly recommended for the easy and friendly manner in which the story of rescue services at sea is told. There are a number of interesting photographs and skilful drawings..