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Galway Bay. On the 13th December, 1961, the Assistant Commissionei of Irish Lights asked the honorary secre- tary if the life-boat would take a sick keeper off the Slyne Head lighthouse when the weather permitted. At the time of his request there was a very strong south-south-easterly wind with a heavy, broken sea. The next day a further message was received from Loop Head lighthouse asking for the life-boat to go to Slyne Head and attempt to take off the sick lightkeeper. At 10.30 in the morning the life-boat Peter and Sarah Blake, on temporary duty at the station, put out at high water with a dinghy in tow. She reached Slyne Head and the dinghy brought the sick keeper to the life-boat. The sick man was landed at Cleggan, where the life-boat refuelled.

She then returned to her station, which she reached at 3.30 the next morning..