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New Ways of Making Money

After the maiden trip of the latest addition to Lowestoft's trawler fleet, Silverfish, owned by the Colne Fishing Co. Ltd., the owners gave the first kit of fish, one of selected plaice, to be auctioned for the Institution's funds.

In this way the Lowestoft branch received £23. The buyer was given a bottle of whisky by the owners.

and Mrs. Rea, have a weekly game of bridge. All losses are paid to an agreed charity, the charity chosen last year being the R.N.L.I.

* * * The landlord of the Ship Inn, Mouse- hole, ran trips in his speed-boat at 2/6 a head and in the evening raffled a bottle of wine, £9 10s. 4d., being raised for the Penlee branch funds.

The Budleigh Salterton Donkey Club raised £100 through donkey racing for the Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton branch.

£25 were raised last summer at Minehead life-boat station by the sale of tea aprons made and given by Miss W. M. Brooks.

Mr. E. D. Short, who collects for the Bristol branch, has visited a thousand ships every year for the past five years in the port of Bristol with a collecting box.

Mrs. J. Haslewood, honorary secre- tary of the Bridgnorth branch, has two Siamese cats, whose kittens she sells for two guineas each for branch funds.

At the Scarborough flower show the mechanic of the Filey life-boat, Mr.

T. C. Willis, prepared a design of a life- boat, and a local florist had a wire frame made from this and then interwove flowers in the frame in life-boat colours, thereby producing one of the most successful exhibits.

Fine embroidery done by students working under Mrs. F. B. Thompson was exhibited at Miss Louise Camp- bell's shop in Harrogate, £34 being raised for the Harrogate branch.

Mrs. Mendus, a member of the Fish- guard and Goodwick ladies' life-boat guild, found a sheep in one of her fields which had been badly mutilated by dogs. She gave it attention, and when the owner was traced he gave a reward which Mrs. Mendus made over to the funds of the guild.

Four friends living in Belfast, Mrs.

W. D. Newel and her daughter and Mr.

Mr. R. Cheesman of Barnehurst raised £2 15s. for the Crayford branch funds by propagating and selling indoor pot plants.

# * * The assistant organising secretary for the north-west district helped to ex- tinguish a fire in the house of a lady living in Kirkham. She expressed her gratitude by making a donation to the Institution.

A grocer in Grasmere gives his customers paper carrier-bags and in- stead of charging asks them to make a contribution in his collecting box.

Andrew and Timothy Glover of Crewe, aged 9 and 5, held a sale of their old toys and books on their garden wall and raised £2 16s. for branch funds.

Mrs. F. C. Lee of Maidenhead has made clothes peg holders for over a year and raised more than £22 in this way for branch funds..