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Ramsey, Isle of Man. At 8.58 on the morning of the 28th November, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a collision had occurred between a tanker and a trawler off Point of Ayre. The tanker Auspicity of London had been badly holed amid- ships and was being escorted by two trawlers to Ramsey Bay. It was decided to launch the life-boat Thomas Corbett at 10.20 to give any help needed. There was a light south-south-westerly breeze and a smooth sea. It was one hour after low water. The master of the tanker was taken ashore in the life-boat to report the damage to her owners and was later taken back to his ship. The life-boat then accompanied the vessel, which had been lying half a mile off shore, into Ramsey harbour, where she was berthed at 2.15..