Aldeburgh, Suffolk. At 4.10 on the afternoon of the 22nd October, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a yacht appeared to be in difficulties three miles south-west of Orford light. After further enquiries had been made the life-boat The Alfred and Patience Gottwald was launched at 4.56 in a south-south-westerly wind of near gale force and a rough sea. It was one hour after low water. The yacht Aileena, with a crew of two, was found drifting towards the mouth of the river Ore. The life-boat took her in tow to Felixstowe, arriving at 9.15. Because of the weather the life-boat remained over- night, and the life-boat crew received food and accommodation at the Royal Air Force station. The life-boat re- turned to her station the next morning..