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A Dredger and a Hopper

Workington, Cumberland. At 2.30 on the morning of the 29th November, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a dredger and a hopper had broken from their moorings off Workington and were drifting ashore. The life-boat Man- chester and Salford XXIX left her moorings at 2.45 in a west-south- westerly gale and a very rough sea. It was half an hour after high water. The life-boat found the dredger and hopper aground, and as attempts to refloat them could not be made until the afternoon the life-boat returned to her station, which she reached at 5.15.

She put out again at two o'clock in the afternoon and stood by while the dredger was refloated and the hopper towed to a safer position. The life- boat finally reached her station at 5.10..