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Valkyrie II

Margate, Kent. At 6.45 on the morning of the 9th September, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the motor fishing vessel Valkyrie II of Fraserburgh was in difficulties fourteen miles east-north- east of North Foreland. The life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) was launched at seven o'clock in a light southerly breeze and a slight sea.

It was one hour after low water. While the life-boat was making for the posi- tion H.M.S. Loch Lomond wirelessed that she had found the casualty eighteen miles north-east of North Foreland and was taking her in tow. At the request of H.M.S. Loch Lomond the life-boat met her off North Foreland and took over the tow. There were three people on board the fishing vessel. The life-boat towed her to Ramsgate, arriving at 2.30, and after mooring her returned to her station, which she reached at 4.15..