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Three Rowing Boats and a Motor Boat

Llandudno, Caernarvonshire. At 12.30 on the afternoon of the 2nd July, 1961, members of the life-boat crew and others on shore noticed that three rowing boats, each with a crew of three, appeared to be having difficulty in making the shore. There was a moderate west-north-westerly wind with a slight sea, and the tide was flooding. At 12.45 the life-boat Annie Ronald and Isabella Forrest was launched. On reaching the rowing boats about a mile off shore she found that the occupants had put on life-jackets, and they eagerly accepted the offer of a tow. The life-boat towed two of the boats to the shore and then returned for the third. Meanwhile a watch had been kept on a motor boat about two miles off shore, whichseemed to be drifting. It was decided to make for this boat, and on reaching her the life-boat crew found she had a fishing party of five on board, who were not aware that their boat had been dragging her anchor. As she would have had difficulty in reaching the shore when the tide began to ebb, those on board the motor boat decided to move closer inshore with the life-boat to escort them. The life-boat finally returned to her station at 2.5..