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The S.S. Cairngowan

Stornoway, Hebrides. At three o'clock on the afternoon of the 27th July, 1961, the honorary secretary received a message from Lewis hospital that the s.s. Cairngowan, which was due to arrive off Chicken Head at 4.30, needed the services of a doctor to attend a badly injured man. At 3.45 the life-boat The James and Margaret Boyd, with the honorary medical adviser aboard, slipped her moorings. The tide was half flood, and there was a moderate north- westerly breeze and a choppy sea. The life-boat came alongside the Cairngowan at 4.30. After the doctor had been put aboard he and the injured man were transferred to the life-boat and brought back to Stornoway. The injured man was taken to Lewis hospital, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriv- ing at 6.15..