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The Motor Dinghy Good Intent

Padstow, Cornwall. At eight o'clock on the evening of the 16th August, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a dinghy lying betweenPentire Head and the Meols had fired a red flare. At 8.20, one hour before high water, the no. 1 life-boat Joseph Hiram Chadwick put out. There was a fresh north-north-westerly breeze blowing and the sea was rough. On reaching the position the life-boat found the motor dinghy Good Intent in a dangerous position with her engine out of order.

The man on board was too exhausted to take a line, so the dinghy was boarded and its occupant transferred to the life-boat, which then returned to her station with the dinghy in tow, arriving at 10.45..