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The Englishman

Sheringham, Norfolk. At 10.30 on the morning of the 13th July, 1961, the honorary secretary was told by a fisher- man who had just come ashore that the sea was becoming rough and several crab boats had not yet returned. In par- ticular anxiety was felt for the small outboard motor boat The Englishman, which was in difficulty. A near gale was blowing and the tide was half flood. At 10.59 the life-boat The Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows was launched. She went to a position off the East and West Run- tons where the boats had been reported.

Four crab boats were met and escorted to safety. Meanwhile the Cromer coast- guard had asked if the life-boat would keep watch on some fishing boats from Cromer. Once it was known that the Sheringham crab boats were safe the life-boat stood by the Cromer boats until they were safely beached. She then returned to her station, arriving at 12.25..