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New Appointments

Mr. D. H. ROFF has been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Institution in succession to Mr. Stirling Whorlow.

Mr. Roff, who was born in 1902, joined the Institution in 1919. He worked for a number of years in the Chief Inspector's department at a time when the large mechanisation pro- gramme was carried out after the first world war. This enabled him to gain first-hand experience of work on the coast. After serving as principal clerk in the works and stores department, and later in the general and committee department, he was appointed Internal Auditor, a post which he has held for the past nine years. During the last war he served in the Auxiliary Fire Service.

Commander H. B. Acworth, O.B.E., R.N., has been appointed District In- spector (General).

Commander Acworth, details of whose earlier career were given in the March 1956 number of the Life-boat on page 195, joined the Institution as Eastern District Inspector in Decem- ber, 1955. He was later appointed Irish District Inspector.

Commander Acworth is succeeded as Irish District Inspector by Lieut.

D. B. CAIRNS, R.N.R., who is 32 years of age. After serving as a cadet in the Fleet Auxiliary, Lieut. Cairns joined the service of Royal Mail Lines Limited.

He later held the post of Assistant Navigation Inspector for the Thames Conservancy Board..