Mother's Joy
Newbiggin, Northumberland. At 10.50 on the morning of the 12th July, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Amble life-boat was on service searching for the fishing coble Mother's Joy but that she had not managed to find her. He asked if the Newbiggin life-boat would join in the search. There was a light south- south-easterly breeze and the sea wasrough. It was foggy. At 11.30 the life- boat Richard Ashley was launched on the flood tide. She set a course to the south to search first for two local cobles, which were overdue from fishing near Blyth. While doing so, she received a message that the Mother's Joy had beached near Hauxley. The two New- biggin cobles were found, and the life- boat escorted one back to Newbiggin, while the other made for Blyth. The life- boat reached her station at 12.55..