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Miss Therm (1)

Blyth, and Tynemouth, Northumber- land. At 1.11 on the afternoon of the 16th September, 1961, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary of the Tynemouth life-boat station that the Whitley Bay police had reported a small boat in difficulties one mile off Briar Dene. At 1.35 the life-boat Tynesider was launched in a fresh to strong south-westerly gale and a moder- ate swell. It was one hour before low water. The honorary secretary of the Blyth life-boat station was also in- formed, and because of the weather conditions it was decided to launch the Blyth life-boat Winston Churchill (Civil Service No. 8). The Blyth life-boat found the fishing boat Miss Therm, be- longing to the Howden gas works fish- ing club, with two people on board. She was alongside a steamer. Her engine had broken down, and the life-boat took her in tow. The Tynemouth life-boat, with the second coxswain in command, arrived shortly afterwards and escorted the Blyth life-boat and her tow as far as Blyth. She then returned to station, arriving at 4.25. The Blyth life-boat moored the fishing boat in the south harbour at 3.40..