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Iron Horse

Penlee, Cornwall. At two o'clock on the afternoon of the 24th September, 1961, the honorary secretary was in- formed that there was a sick man on board the motor vessel Iron Horse of Newcastle, which was making for Mount's Bay. He was asked if the life- boat could take a doctor out and meet the vessel at six o'clock. At 5.45 the life- boat Solomon Browne was launched at high water in a gentle north-easterly wind and a slight sea. She put into New- lyn to embark a doctor and a stretcher.

On reaching the Iron Horse, the life-boat went alongside and put the doctor and stretcher aboard. At 7.20 the doctor and the patient were transferred to the life- boat, which then returned to Newlyn, arriving at 7.45. After landing the two men the life-boat made for her station, which she reached at 8.15..