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A Motor Cutter

Moelfre, Anglesey. At 5.50 on the evening of the 5th August, 1961, the honorary secretary was informed that a sailing boat with two people aboard had capsized four miles north-east of Durban Point. At six o'clock the life- boat Watkin Williams was launched in a fresh south-westerly breeze and a choppy sea. It was one hour before high water. The life-boat searched a wide area but could find no trace of the capsized boat. During her search she came up with a small boat, which was making heavy weather, and escorted her in an attempt to give her a lee. It was later decided to transfer her crew of three to the life-boat, and the boat was towed to the life-boat slipway.

There it was learnt that a waterlogged motor cutter had been seen north-east of Puffin Island. The life-boat im- mediately made for the position. She found the cutter some five miles north- east of the island, but there was no one on board. The life-boat took the cutter in tow to Traeth Bychan beach, from where the cutter had earlier broken adrift. The life-boat finally reached her station at 9.25. The owner of the cutter made a donation to the funds of the Institution..